Mentor Spotlight: Lily Glasson

Lily earned a BA in English Literature from the University of Nottingham before relocating to London for a job in the tech industry. Since then, she’s worked primarily in sales and delivery lead roles that required her to make lots of new connections all the time. 

The experience turned this introvert into a genuine social butterfly and helped her build an extensive network of professionals that has supported her throughout her career. But for Lily, it’s also been about giving back. For many years, she’s been a dedicated volunteer with her alma mater and, more recently, with the Together in tech community. 

Lily is also exceptionally passionate about mentoring. Because she advanced to people manager at a very young age, she, especially, wants other young first-time managers to benefit from her experience. Described as “efficient, approachable, and friendly,” “honest,” and “a very good communicator,” she’s managed to keep her work/life balanced to pursue her love of the outdoors, traveling, music, and more. Therefore, Lily is able to build strong relationships with her mentees both professionally and on a personal level.


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Women: Over Mentored and Under Sponsored?


Mentor Spotlight: Kara Scott